AYU Rules and Etiquette

AYU membership is available to legitimate hedge fund, family office and institutional investment professionals around the world. Membership to AYU is intended for those in these sectors and requires true representation and adherence to accepted standards of conduct and rules to safeguard the use and enjoyment of AYU by its members. 

In addition to accepting AYU’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy all members must adhere to the following rules and etiquette:

  • Represent yourself truthfully

  • Connect and share ideas with respect

  • No third-party marketing

  • Proposing new members

  • Harassment

  • Reporting abuse

Represent yourself truthfully

AYU is built to make connections between hedge funds, family offices and institutional investors easier. We positively encourage finding, and developing connections with, other members. AYU is a trust based network where all members are expected to represent themselves truthfully. Any misrepresentation, e.g. posing as a family office investor then attempting to sell a product, will result in your AYU membership being revoked at the discretion of AYU Technologies ltd.

Connect and share ideas with respect

AYU members are permitted to discuss investment ideas and proposals. However, AYU does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy and truth of information exchanged or any resulting investment whatsoever. All activity carried out within AYU must adhere to the governing law and trade body regulations of the United Kingdom and/or the jurisdiction in which you and your connection operate in. 

Proposing new members

Members are welcome to propose new applicants to join AYU. Each member has a limited number of proposal invitations to send out. Members should select those who they propose with care as this will reflect on their personal profile and their place within AYU

Do not propose anyone you do not know or trust, anyone you know to misrepresent themselves or anyone from outside the wider hedge fund industry. 

Making a new member proposal does not guarantee that acceptance into AYU. 

Third-party marketing 

Third Party Marketing is not permitted in normal AYU membership. AYU is built to make direct connections between those who invest and allocate capital and those who own investment opportunities. For the avoidance of doubt, the AYU definition of third party marketing is: when a company employs, remunerates via a retainer and/or remunerates via commission, outside individuals and firms to promote a specific message about the company itself, its products or its services to others. If you are found to be carrying out third party marketing activities your AYU membership will be revoked at the discretion of AYU Technologies ltd. 

Third party marketers and placement agents are invited to join our dedicated placement agent program.

Harassment or improper behaviour

We expect all AYU members to treat each other with respect. AYU is a professional network all communications should remain professional in tone and content. Should any member’s communication be found not to adhere to this, their membership may revoked at the discretion of AYU Technologies ltd.

If you feel an AYU member is in breach of these rules you can report them by emailing us on report@thisisayu.com